Dec 22, 2009

Christmas Newsletter 09

Chapter 121

1 A song of ascents. 2 I raise my eyes toward the mountains. From where will my help come?
My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth.
God will not allow your foot to slip; your guardian does not sleep.
Truly, the guardian of Israel never slumbers nor sleeps.
3 The LORD is your guardian; the LORD is your shade at your righthand.
By day the sun cannot harm you, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will guard you from all evil, will always guard your life.
The LORD will guard your coming and going both now and forever.

Another year of challenge and change, and we know that God was with us through it all and continues to be.  It was a strange year of ups and downs, but God brought us through and still continues to.  We do praise Him and continue to pray for wisdom.

As I wrote last year, Christopher went into a group home in September of 2008.  Though he had a rocky start, things seemed to even out later in the later fall and winter, and we thought everything would be fine.  However, as he seemed to scream out more and not sleep, talk of his being asked to leave the group home began to become more active, and by August or September we had a solid decision by the group home management company that Christopher would have to leave.

We looked at some group homes in the area in September or October, but none seemed more able to meet his needs than the wonderful-seeming one that he was leaving.  Most of the staff was very caring, and it was with heavy hearts that we said goodbye on November 1st.  We weren't really sure what to do, but our early plan has been to share care with Christopher's grandparents, Roger's parents.  He has been in our custody since November 1st and mostly he has been staying with Roger's parents, where we have him some of the weekends and take him on outings and appointments.

A glimmer of hope is that he does actually seem happier and also seems to be sleeping a LITTLE better, though he still often stays up all night -- 2-3 times a week, usually.  He also just now (last week) obtained his old aide back who had him in 04, Vicky, whom he loved to be with.  He also is still attending the school system he started last year, that works with autism and seems to have a good plan for Christopher.  My mom has also watched him some in our home, after school.

We also are still considering a school for the deaf/autistic disorder that is in Florida and still may be looking into that.  But for the moment we are trying to still reach a sense of routine and normalcy and figure out how to best meet his needs as an extended family.  He is a senior and will still most likely attend the school he is at until he's 22.  We will also be seeking what adult workshops, etc. he will be attending, and that is an exciting time of exploration.

                                           Colleen with Uncle Al's dog

As a sophomore Colleen is now observing classes at the vocational center, and she hopes to attend in the graphics program.  Hard to believe she'll be a junior next year.  She has been wishfully speaking of driver's ed but with her birthday all the way in May we feel this will be a junior, not sophomore, activity!  She is ready, but we're not!!  Of course she is still creating her artwork and videos, working to keep grades up, and is hoping to get her first summer job this summer.  She also attended another anime convention this past spring.

Colleen is planning another holiday party this year with pizza and friends over, as she had a blast last year with one of those at Christmas and another at her birthday (where she and her friends slept out in a tent out back).  Colleen has also been taking care of a fishtank full of goldfish, and just recently obtained 3 tadpoles in another tank.  Along with all this we also adopted her a cat recently; we had had a cat earlier in the year but sadly Stella died of cancer suddenly (she was a stray and we didn't realize how sick she was until her 2nd visit to the vet for vaccinations).  Sophie so far is very healthy and will have her first maintenance visit at the vet in January.

                                           Sophie, our cat

Ryan's speech is really growing by leaps and bounds this year.  He has not been successfully wearing his current hearing aids, but we will be soon ordering new ones.  I hope we can get a different style that he'll be comfortable wearing, and I'm sure his speech will be getting even better.  Right now he is in love with the Cars movie and is watching it many times a day.  Our county awarded him a new computer in the fall, and he is greatly enjoying it.  He loves and also loves to watch Youtube videos about the alphabet, Leappad, and, of course, Cars.

He got to see a few movies in the theater this year, Madadascar II and also Veggie Tales, the search for Noah's Umbrella.  He loved it!  We hope to take him again soon and can't wait for Cars II to come out but hear that's in 2011 so we have a little wait!

                                                                                      Ryan swinging at the Potato Festival last fall.

This was the year where Roger and Dorene first attempted to take business trips together, as Roger's out of-town county duties grew and it was sensible to share the work between two people.  We went on these trips in February, April, July, and end of September, and are about to go again the 2nd week of January.  This is one of the mountain views we saw in July and September, where we took a side drive away from Waynesburg, Pennsylvania (one of our courthouses) and discovered the beautiful world of Deep Creek Lake, Maryland.

In a very large coincidence, we discovered after a friend wrote to us after seeing our blog pictures that she and her husband LIVE there, and thus we were able to meet them for dinner in that town in September.  We hope to do this now every year or two incorporated into our business trip.

We have both been thinking again of returning to school, where I was thinking of returning in the spring semester and Roger perhaps in the fall.  I actually signed up for a class towards my Associates of Arts degree and will be starting on Fridays starting 1/22 at Lakeland with my first class in 22 years.  I have approximately eight classes to take to get my Assoc. of Arts, and this class I start with, that fits into my schedule, is Comparative Religions.  So it shall be interesting!

I have decided to study Speech and Language Pathology with an eventually transfer to Cleveland State towards a master, as I would like to be a speech therapist in the schools.  Roger and I would both like to work with the deaf/autistic population, including our own sons, and Roger is still deciding what major he would like to have (possibly deafness captioning).

In the meantime, we are continuing with our present careers of transcription and court research which we do enjoy very much.  My main client at this point is a firm that assigns me cases about Immigration deportees; it is very interesting and plentiful work!

I had the enjoyment this year of being contacted to fill in as a sub at my first law firm where I worked in '88-94 and '02-03, while the head attorney's secretary goes on vacation or is out on any extended break.  That has been nice extra money and also a chance to see old friends and have a change of scenery.  I worked for a few days in January, February, April (I think?) and quite a bit in July/August, then again in early December.  I'm supposed to work in March again, for about a week.

We just continue to work and pray and live in the hope and goal of helping our family as much as we can while still enjoying each other and doing our best with whatever we are doing.  We did get to go away on some outings this year, and I will close with some pictures from these.  A blessed holiday season to you and yours.

Our beach outing, last summer.  Paula came with us and we also brought Colleen and Brenda who were swimming.

Fourth of July parade, Fairport.

                                                                                 Fourth of July picnic with Rick and Nancy and kids at the park

That was Chris's 1 sleepover during this 14-month stay at the group home - he slept all night for us --

Our first look at mountainous Maryland in July.

Humphries reunion - Gayle & Craig's dog loved Colleen!

Colleen at her summer camp that she attended with Ashleigh.

Eric's graduation party - we were so happy Chris had a good time there.

Ryan loved the rope swing there!

Outing with Ryan the day we saw Veggietales, went to the beach, and had pizza out in Madison.

Fish we obtained in May --

Kitty in September.  This is Stella but she did pass away in October.

Beautiful neighborhood flowers

Grandma with us at the fair

Fall leaf-burning festivities!  (I'm in the leaves, yes)

Thanksgiving dinner and Chris, Papa, and Grandma's birthday party.

At Christmas World, and afterwards we had Spaghetti dinners.

Our Christmas party, with Chris, Gayle, Chuck, and Rick & Nancy, Ashleigh & Nick




BLOG:NEWEST - decided to move my blog from to as my other new blogs are at Blogger.  So far as of 12/22/09 I have moved one year of the six years contained; the rest are on the blog following.

BLOG: 2009, most of the year - - intermediate blog that I copied everything into when my blog was closed (, now closed) when I didn't renew my domain at that time.  Will probably just leave up as a backup.

LEGAL TRANSCRIPTION BLOG, 2009 -  All about how I got into legal transcription and tips I think of as I go.

AUTISM LESSONS BLOG, 2009 -  New blog where I am writing about the things we're learned through the years about autism and deafness. 


HOME PAGE: - home

FACEBOOK: - search for Dorene Enea Humphries and contact to be added.

BUSINESS BLOG/INFO:  This (replacing, where I also did not continue to renew the domain) is the area where we will be explaining more about both of our businesses, summarizing my legal transcription (which will be more in detail on my legal trans blog, above) and discussing Roger's court research position.

Roger, Dorene, Christopher,

Colleen & Ryan

Dec 18, 2009

Switching to Blogger --

Decided to switch my word press com blog over to blogger so my blogs can be in the same area. Christmas newsletter to come. Testing to see if the date appears on this post -- I redated the last ones to mirror the dates they were actually written on WordPress. Christmas newsletter will be coming next.

Nov 4, 2009

old favorites --

DSC01425 I started crocheting again a few weeks ago -- I'm making a table scarf for my computer table and plan to make another for the other table. I used to knit and crochet a lot when I was a young teen up until maybe 15 years ago. It's really soothing to do it again. Planned to watch the new episode of 90210 on the computer, but ended up watching DSC01426 My So Called Life instead (the final episode) instead, on Hulu, as last night's 90210 is not on yet. I really loved My So Called Life, and can't put into words how I sometimes can identify with Clare Danes' character in that show - - -as well as Brian. So, back to work tomorrow after busy day today running around town trying to reestablish Chris's items such as bank accounts, SSI, etc. It's amazing how long all that takes and how tiring it is. Now I have another large packet of papers again as his SSI recert for his medical need is due. Still waiting for test results on Colleen - - posted on Facebook but not here that she's been tested for anemia and mono for how tired and exhausted and weak she's been on and off lately. Hopefully we'll find out by tomorrow -- DSC01424

Oct 21, 2009

Upon a time of turmoil this Amy Grant song lifted me up through tears of grief yet tears of cleansing, and it is doing it again.

Words by Brown Bannister, Chris Christian, Amy Grant
From the album Never Alone

Sep 27, 2009

Completely overwhelmed, but still soothed by nature’s glory


Originally uploaded by criscollrj

I've noticed that nature greatly soothes me as well as prayer. And also just being with family and laughing.

But things are crazy, and I just have never any time for blogging, etc. I often think lately that I'd just like to totally quit working so I can catch up on pretty much everything and spend more time just hanging out with my kids and hubby. But I love my work, and right now it's necessary. So I continue to get up at 3 to type and have toothpicks holding my eyes open most of the day --

  • 97 minutes to get out, proofed, by tonight - I have 6 minutes done - so why am I here? I'll be quick!

  • Chris is officially discharged from his group home Oct. 1. However, they're still keeping him while they look for more homes for him. I believe he'll be home here and G & C along with us will share his care.

  • Chris's school is going very well and they have him in a new language program that is helping him a lot!

  • We are unable to get Chris's waiver yet as there's still a huge huge wait list - like 15 more years maybe.

  • Ryan has a new teacher this year as well as a new autism coordinator oin his school. He is doing well but won't eat lunch or wear his hearing aides - sigh. Sunchips are my friend . . .

  • Colleen is working hard at school and enjoys times with her friends -

  • They're all growing up so fast.

  • I am seriously seriously considering going back to school in the spring to become a speech therapist, and need to apply for my financial aid. This of course means a little cut in my work but I need to try.

  • We're going back to the Maryland mountains Tuesday as part of our business trip and I'm going to meet my good friend Pat from a transcription board I'm on!

  • Aug 2, 2009

    The Western Maryland Mountains--


    Originally uploaded by criscollrj

    The new header I made (first one on!) is of the Maryland Mountains we saw on our business trip in early July. I know I "facebooked" about it in the pictures on there, but never typed on here. Then I found out a friend of mine from the transcription board lives RIGHT there at Deep Creek Lake. We're going to meet the next time we go out there.

    Deep Creek Lake

    Then I saw another friend on Facebook had just seen the Backbone Mountain in Maryland near that area and had beautiful pictures of it as well. It's so neat that such beautiful mountains are so close to our business trip area (we did travel a few hours East in the evening to get there, but it was so worth it!)

    And check it out, googling for images, and there's a lot for sale!

    What a beautiful lot! Wish we had the $$!

    Jul 31, 2009

    Almost August and I haven't even been swimming yet!


    Originally uploaded by criscollrj

    We took this back in June when we did take Colleen & her friend to the beach for a while. We haven't been back. I didn't go in that day and neither did Ryan -- Ryan has been afraid of the "different" lake water and this is the closest he's ever been to it! It was the first time he ever played in the sand.

    So we're hoping to possibly go Saturday -- it's supposed to be 83 and sunny so I think it sounds like a good day for a picnic lunch! We're also taking Ryan to the free screening of Veggie Tales in our area.

    After working 4-5 weeks at the office and most of the time blending that with transcription fairly seamlessly, this week got fairly rough! I decided in the future I will either work at one job or the other and not try and combine them. Of course that will involve having plenty of notice for the out-of-the home job -- I imagine it will be a few months now before they call me in again. I love working there though -- it's like family (worked there before 88-94 & again 02-03).

    I FINALLY got some sleep last night and have one more day of work today-- if I have time at work I'll start some of my transcription due next week but at least it's thankfully not something due today! I also am working on sorting all the papers that have stacked up the last 6 weeks or so.

    Got Chris's guardianship and trust papers all done and am in the middle of filing them. These are papers we had to do with his becoming an adult. He may be coming home soon -- we'll find out for sure on Tuesday. I am very nervous about this but have to have faith, and know that 99% sure he will now get 24-hour care with his being discharged. Our eventual family goal with Rog's parents is to have our own small group home for him and some other individuals.

    Please stay in prayer for Rog's dad who has been very ill, and doctors are still doing tests to see what is wrong.

    Jun 18, 2009

    progressing --


    Originally uploaded by criscollrj

    Wow, June 18th already. AND one month, one day on Weigh Down/Thin Within. I WILL DO THIS.

    And we're almost done with Colleen's summer school and about to start Chris's. I'll be transporting in the morning and Gayle in the afternoon, bless her.

    The only time we won't be transporting children one place or another is the 3rd week of August, I believe.

    Finally got our new checking account open - one of those open this and you get $100 free!! accounts - and I'm so relieved! Now everyone can say FINALLY Dorene will stop talking about how we have to get that DANGED CHECKING ACCOUNT open lol!!!!! It's done. Now I have to get the new direct deposit form faxed in which I'm going to do right now.

    And my thanks again to a certain angel to made it possible to do this today, on my husband's only day available to do it, before the coupon expired for the account :D

    Ryan's having a good time on his break - making sleep forts like this, playing with his Leapster, running around. His aide has also been taking him outside to play while I'm working.

    Jun 9, 2009



    Originally uploaded by criscollrj

    Another summer has sprang its way into my life. It always comes faster every year than I expect.

    Colleen has had her anime convention and had a great time (more pics in flickr). We also took Chris out on Saturday and we all went to the buffet. I'll be taking him to summer school every morning soon for about 4-5 weeks -- It'll be nice to see him every morning!

    Ryan's aide is coming every day for 2 4-hour shifts so I'll have a good amount of time to work still. That will be helpful.

    Rog and I are planning to go away again for business early July -- that is always a busy yet fun time doing something different than just typing transcription. Though last time I worked with Rog and did transcription at the same time at night THAT WAS NOT FUN. ZZZZZZ.

    Well, laundry and dishes await as well as two new jobs to start…

    Hopefully sometime I'll get a little more creative than this -- lol

    OH, I've lost 5 pounds!!!

    AND sometimes I really do miss all the flexibility of themes in - but this is NOT BAD :D

    May 18, 2009

    Colleen's new fishtank


    Originally uploaded by criscollrj

    I love the calming sound the filter is making… And they're so pretty!

    Weighing my options.. literally

    A year ago I typed this --

    but I never did anything seriously about it. I am THROUGH GOD'S help starting again today. I will eat only when really hungry and just eat a small portion, brushing my teeth between meals. If I'm going to have the energy I need to deal with everything in our lives right now, I have to get this weight off. And I need to start exercising more. I am walking every day for 10 minutes (weekdays, after Ryan gets off the bus) but that's not enough.

    Apr 15, 2009

    Something Ethan said on 90210 last night made me think. He was in the woods with a friend and just talking. He said this:

    Ethan: "People think I'm someone different than I am."

    Friend, Liam: "Let me ask you something, why do you smile?"

    Ethan: "I smile because I don't want to cause trouble for anyone. I don't want to make anyone's life harder. Not my teachers, not my coaches, definitely not my parents. My brother's autistic, so they need me to be easy, not make any waves. I don't want to cause any conflicts so I just pretend like I'm fine. Even when I'm not."

    That really got me thinking. That is exactly the way I am…

    Mar 25, 2009

    25 years ago


    25 years ago today Rog and I went out for the "last time as just friends." We had breakfast or lunch with my mom, and went to a Petra concert (I think that's who it was?) We had been best friends for 4 months since meeting in our band in December, but I was actually dating someone else!

    We had gone out as friends with the gang from college and a few times by ourselves. However, the attraction was growing!! The evening of March 25th we realized that I had a decision to make, as Rog said for the first time the words "I love you" to me.

    On March 26, 1984, I made the decision to break up with the first guy (a great guy, and he's happily married, to my knowledge to this day!) and I have been with Rog ever since.

    25 years (and many pounds!) later, here we still are!

    Love you, Rog!


    Mar 24, 2009

    Graciously accepting help

    I was just thinking this morning that this is one of the lessons I've had to learn. I've been thinking about, what are the things I've had to learn in this walk we've been on in life? Graciously accepting help, though I've not yet gotten very good as ASKING for help; accepting my limitations; and not being a perfectionist. There's probably more, but that's a start.

    Years ago I made this web site: . Beth D. if you're reading, I'm sure you remember helping me with this way back on Geocities in '97!!! All the tables and everything for HTML coding. But I felt so guilty that I could not follow it. And I did not want to ask for help.

    Mar 18, 2009

    Spring fever --


    Mar 17, 2009

    St. Patrick's Day

    I'll never forget what this day means to us personally!


    And the food's awesome!

    Mar 16, 2009

    autismbites blog author's letter to the President--

    letter that dad of 6 autistic children wrote to the President.

    Thinking of how to share most with this blog--

    With having a new domain, I have been trying to think of the best way to reach out to others with this blog.

    I know I need to update my resource pages and do more research on what could help people most on ideas for autism spectrum and deafness.

    I think I may also type more of the kids' histories in here and what happened at certain ages. I think also going back and proofing my posts may be good (sometimes in blog transfers you get strange font characters in the switchover, and I know I did see some at place). I also need to tag.

    I have really enjoyed sharing through blogging, now for 6 years, and would like to do it to its best purpose and to be a help to others.

    Mar 14, 2009

    Missing writing, missing an important part of me!

    I need to take more time to write here. I do feel my life is kind of taking on a pace all of its own that half the time I feel I have no control over!!!

    First of all, Chris is doing great -- dsc00342 We went out to eat with him today and he was very happy. Ryan also had a plate of spaghetti dsc00343

    Feb 10, 2009

    Spring is in the air!

    Well, maybe not for long, but after a few months of a blanket of snow continuously it was so nice to see the grass this week!! We had snow pretty much continuously since November with maybe 2 short breaks. I love winter, but it was getting to be too much!