Mar 14, 2009

Missing writing, missing an important part of me!

I need to take more time to write here. I do feel my life is kind of taking on a pace all of its own that half the time I feel I have no control over!!!

First of all, Chris is doing great -- dsc00342 We went out to eat with him today and he was very happy. Ryan also had a plate of spaghetti dsc00343

So, then also Colleen is keeping busy, her grades are up, and she has a new boyfriend that is very nice. Rog and I are busy working as always. There are more picks in the Flickr sidebar!

I made some changes in my sites which I do need to publicize and am slowly getting the word out. Obviously this is a new address for our blog which used to be at That site at least at this point is no longer valid. We moved our site over to where it is free and I have my basic site over there. So far however their Fantastico blogging installation program isn't working - so one of the results from going over free, I guess. It's okay - this is actually very awesome as well, even though there's not quite as many frills on it.

Our business blog is reborn over at and is under construction. unfortunately is no more as I was unable to afford to renew two domains. But it's okay…

My present goal, along with working as hard and smart is possible, is to get all my filing done in the next few days!!!


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