Mar 25, 2009

25 years ago


25 years ago today Rog and I went out for the "last time as just friends." We had breakfast or lunch with my mom, and went to a Petra concert (I think that's who it was?) We had been best friends for 4 months since meeting in our band in December, but I was actually dating someone else!

We had gone out as friends with the gang from college and a few times by ourselves. However, the attraction was growing!! The evening of March 25th we realized that I had a decision to make, as Rog said for the first time the words "I love you" to me.

On March 26, 1984, I made the decision to break up with the first guy (a great guy, and he's happily married, to my knowledge to this day!) and I have been with Rog ever since.

25 years (and many pounds!) later, here we still are!

Love you, Rog!


Mar 24, 2009

Graciously accepting help

I was just thinking this morning that this is one of the lessons I've had to learn. I've been thinking about, what are the things I've had to learn in this walk we've been on in life? Graciously accepting help, though I've not yet gotten very good as ASKING for help; accepting my limitations; and not being a perfectionist. There's probably more, but that's a start.

Years ago I made this web site: . Beth D. if you're reading, I'm sure you remember helping me with this way back on Geocities in '97!!! All the tables and everything for HTML coding. But I felt so guilty that I could not follow it. And I did not want to ask for help.

Mar 18, 2009

Spring fever --


Mar 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

I'll never forget what this day means to us personally!


And the food's awesome!

Mar 16, 2009

autismbites blog author's letter to the President--

letter that dad of 6 autistic children wrote to the President.

Thinking of how to share most with this blog--

With having a new domain, I have been trying to think of the best way to reach out to others with this blog.

I know I need to update my resource pages and do more research on what could help people most on ideas for autism spectrum and deafness.

I think I may also type more of the kids' histories in here and what happened at certain ages. I think also going back and proofing my posts may be good (sometimes in blog transfers you get strange font characters in the switchover, and I know I did see some at place). I also need to tag.

I have really enjoyed sharing through blogging, now for 6 years, and would like to do it to its best purpose and to be a help to others.

Mar 14, 2009

Missing writing, missing an important part of me!

I need to take more time to write here. I do feel my life is kind of taking on a pace all of its own that half the time I feel I have no control over!!!

First of all, Chris is doing great -- dsc00342 We went out to eat with him today and he was very happy. Ryan also had a plate of spaghetti dsc00343